love is love
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10% off our agency fee when you match together or $500 off when you refer your friends or family.
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Egg Donation, Inc. is a leader among egg donation agencies not only in Los Angeles, Southern California, but across the globe. We focus on supporting you with our dedicated and highly trained staff we are caring and compassionate—we value the relationships we build together.

Wanted you to know that I am expecting a baby girl in June!! My surrogate is 3 weeks pregnant!!
Thank you for prayers and emails! I can’t tell you how blessed I am!

I wanted to give your organization the opportunity to update your records to reflect that in July we became the proud parents of twin girls using our donor’s eggs.
It’s been a long and hard five years of fertility challenges to get to this point, but we are so grateful for their arrival and fall more in love with them every day.

We are doing great. We welcomed a beautiful baby girl to our family. She is perfect! We are so, so grateful for everything you did to bring us and the donor “together” to create this wonderful bundle!!

Just wanted to touch base again and let you know that all went well with our pregnancy. We welcomed beautiful twins into the world in June. They came quite early (just over 30 weeks) so we spent 6 weeks in the hospital, but they’ve been home now for just over 4 weeks and are doing great. Thanks to everyone at Egg Donation, Inc. and especially to our donor!

We last wrote to you after a very positive frozen egg cycle with Corrie in December. Now we write with belated good news about the ultimate outcome of that cycle. We welcomed a healthy baby boy in August. Please forgive our delay in writing to share this happy news. Having a baby and a toddler at the same time has kept our hands very busy!
As a reminder, this was our second cycle with Corrie. Our first son was born from our previous cycle with Corrie. The second cycle in December yielded 10 frozen blastocysts. We then made two attempts of a single embryo transfer to our surrogate. The first attempt was not successful. The second was a great success!
Thank you for your help in finding us such a wonderful donor and for all of your assistance with coordination of our cycle.

Thanks so much for the good luck wishes— it means a lot to us! As you know, it’s been a long journey for us, but we feel confident that a pregnancy will be the result this time around. Please send Kristen our best. We’re so grateful that she blessed us with such a precious gift. We’ll always be reminded of her generosity as we watch our child/children grow up. And thanks to you and the agency for connecting us and making this process as effortless as possible for us.