Trying to Conceive Over 40

#TTC over 40

Infertility is challenging, no matter what age you are when it presents itself. Any individual who has been faced with infertility has likely done their research and discovered there are tons of options available for overcoming this problem when wanting to start, or grow, a family. However, any type of infertility treatment takes time— which is why studies strongly suggest that any woman over 40 years of age, who is having difficulties becoming pregnant, should consider IVF treatment right away.

That may sound like a bold statement—understandably so, especially as IVF treatment is usually reserved for women and couples after they have already exhausted their other options. But the strategies that require the least medical intervention—artificial insemination and the stimulation of ovulation by hormones, for example—can take quite a bit of time. In fact, trying these methods first can delay the beginning of the IVF process by several months.

Considering that a woman may have to go through several cycles of IVF treatment before a successful pregnancy, which itself takes up a lot of time. That can lead to a significant delay in the entire process. And as any woman who is attempting to become pregnant over the age of 40 knows, time is of the essence in becoming pregnant. Not only is a woman’s fertility quickly degrading at this point, but the chances for potential complications are steadily rising, as well.

Not only that, but according to the study, those women who seek IVF treatment right away rather than attempting to become pregnant through other methods first have higher rates of pregnancy and live birth—and not only that, but they may also achieve pregnancy in fewer IVF cycles.

It is important to point out that the situation for every couple may be very different. Not only does age play a role, but also other factors such as medical conditions or prior fertility issues. It’s important for every woman attempting to become pregnant to speak with her doctor to assess the various options that are available to her and to determine the individual fertility treatment plan that best meets her needs. During the consultation with her treatment team, she will receive a stronger understanding of what needs to be done in order to have the best possible success when it comes to her fertility.

For any woman over 40 years of age who is looking to become pregnant, it is very likely that moving immediately to IVF treatment may be the recommended route. While working through issues of infertility is always difficult, and very stressful, it is important to understand the importance of using the treatment plan that will work best for your individual needs.

Fortunately, even women over 40 years of age do have treatment options available to them. It’s recommended that any woman who is facing fertility issues seek out help as quickly as possible—especially if she is older.

At EDI our clients come from all walks of life and from over 35 countries. We work with the best clinics and brightest Reproductive Endocrinologists. In addition to some helpful resources, you can view a nationwide list of some of the doctors, reproductive endocrinologists, and clinics we collaborate with by clicking HERE.