Tag Archives: ivf

What is a fertility doctor?

What Is a Fertility Doctor or Fertility Specialist

What Is a Fertility Doctor or Fertility Specialist? A fertility doctor is a reproductive endocrinologist — a physician who practices a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynecology called reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). REI is an area of medicine that addresses hormonal functioning as it pertains to reproduction and infertility in both women and men. U.S. […]

What is reciprocal IVF?

reciprocal IVF can be referred to as either partner-assisted reproduction, co-maternity, co-motherhood, co-parenthood, co-IVF

In reciprocal IVF, the eggs are removed from one parent’s ovaries, fertilized or inseminated outside of the body, and then placed in the second parent’s body. This allows both partners to equally contribute to the IVF process

The Role of Egg Donors

Egg Donor Testimonials

The innovations in reproductive technology have allowed millions of people to become parents.

Egg donation is one of those ways; whether you are looking into donating your eggs or are curious about your health, donating your eggs helps out many families trying to become parents.

Take Time to Care

National Women's Health Week (NWHW) May 8-14, 2022, is an annual weeklong observance that begins on Mother’s Day and encourages women to make their health a priority and take care of themselves.

National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) is a time to encourage women to #KHOWHmore about ways to prioritize their health today, including staying up to date on health visits and screenings. During National Women’s Health Week, the FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) is highlighting key messages each day of the week to encourage women to […]

The “Perfect” IVF Timeline is up to You

The perfect IVF timeline

The IVF timeline has become a two-step process—changing the answer to the FAQ: When is the right time to try IVF? A question that Dr. Mary Hinckley from Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area gets asked quite often is when is the right time to do in vitro fertilization (IVF)? Most people […]

Egg Donor and Intended Parent Matching

Egg Donation and Intended Parent Matching

As in all of our egg donor and intended parent matches, medical records of your donor are sent to your IVF clinic for further review. Your physician will be the one who will ultimately give approval of your donor.