Tag Archives: ivf contracts

Why do you put my money in an escrow account?

Why do you put my money in an escrow account?

In 2010, California bill 2426 was signed into law, specifying how funds for surrogacy and egg donation must be managed in the state. California Family Code Section 7961 requires that client funds for assisted reproduction be deposited into one of two specific accounts: (1) An independent, bonded escrow depository maintained by a licensed, independent, bonded […]

Contract, Not Custody, Law Applies in Frozen Embryo Disputes

Contract, not custody, law applies in frozen embryo disputes

In vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures allow couples in California and around the country who thought that they could never have children to enjoy the pleasures of parenthood. Fertilized embryos can even be frozen and stored for use later. The IVF facilities that offer fertility preservation services ask couples to sign documents that include cryopreservation and disposition provisions that state what should be done with frozen embryos in a divorce, but these agreements are often challenged in court.