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What is AMH?

EDI now offers AMH testing on select Egg Donors

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)

A hormone secreted by the cells of the developing antral and pre-antral follicles (or egg sacks) in the ovaries. Once secreted from these growing follicles, AMH stops more immature ones from getting recruited into the maturation process, so that not all the eggs mature all at the same time. Because AMH reflects the number of eggs maturing in the ovaries on their way to ovulation, AMH is a strong indicator of a woman’s ovarian reserve (OR) – the ovaries’ ability to produce good-quality eggs. Using the Roche Elecsys AMH Assay, the median AMH level (pmol/l) for a donor between 20–29 years of age is 13.1 – 53.8.